An invitation to join the Communication Workers Union (CWU) - a modern trade union working for you. At the CWU we offer communication workers and their families help and support in a whole lot of different ways both at and away from work.
If you are employed in the Royal Mail Group to join immediately by completing an application form alternatively you can contact the Branch for an application form by getting in touch with us by email: cwukentinvicta@aol.com or phone: 01634 387716. If you do not want to join immediately and want to know more about how CWU membership will benefit you, simply request an info pack and we'll email the details over to you.
Representation Close at Hand
We have a network of trained local officials providing professional representation throughout the communication industry. So you'll never be far away from someone who can offer speedy advice and assistance.
If more detailed help is required - no problem. The CWU Kent Invicta Branch has a field of specialist officers ready to help.
In short - we're there to provide help when and where you need it.
We're Working for you
The CWU is a modern forward thinking union working for you. We are geared for the twenty-first century, but we have all the background knowledge and experience you would expect from a union that has represented workers in communications since the middle of the nineteenth century.
Support and advice
You could be fortunate and may never need some of our services - but everyone needs a helping hand now and again. For that reason we provide advice and representation for our members at grievance and disciplinary interviews. We also have an excellent record in successfully representing members at Employment Tribunals.
As a CWU member, these valuable services are free to you.
Campaigning for your future
The CWU is a first-class effective campaigning organisation. We have a proven track record of running professional and successful campaigns on a whole range of issues, including many parliamentary campaigns.
We have recently conducted high level campaigns on employment rights, equality issues, health and safety at work and regulation within the communication industry. We continue to look to the future and are leading the way in the campaign to raise standards in Call Centres where the CWU now has over 30,000 members.
We are and want to remain a union for the future - a union for your future.
Join your colleagues.
The CWU is the biggest union within the communication industry and we are one of the biggest trade unions in the UK, with a membership of 215,000. Size may not be everything, but it does ensure that we have enormous influence and are well respected.
Free Legal Advice.
The CWU is very proud of its top class professional Legal Services department, which gives expert advice and exclusive assistance to our members. Last year alone, the CWU won over £39 million in compensation claims for our members and their families. Check out our Legal Services page.
Democratic and accountable.
Your membership entitles you to vote for the people who will represent you. This is because we are a democratic organisation which listens to our members views and is run by our members.
Keeping in touch.
Obviously, as a major force in the communications industry, the CWU is keen to keep in regular touch with all its members. Every CWU member receives a copy of the highly successful union newspaper the CWU Voice delivered to their home.
Other benefits
Please check out our benefits click on the benefit button
Opportunity - We want you to join us. We offer the opportunity to play your part in a trade union with strength, influence and experience across the whole range of the communications industry.
Please note that there is currently no facility for you to join online yet - you will need to request an application pack.
Retired members:
If you have recently retired and would like to retain your membership with the CWU, you can do so at a discounted rate whilst still making use of the excellent benefits. Simply click on the relevant application form below, save it to your computer or print it out and send it back to us once you've completed it to the address below or email joinunion@cwu.org. If you have any trouble completing the form please give us a call on freephone 0800 731 7434.
- Retired member application form (for members who apply to continue their CWU membership within 26 weeks of retirement. Includes access to the death benefit)
- Retired associate member application form (for members who apply to continue their CWU membership after 26 weeks of retiring. Membership fees are lower but membership does not allow access to the death benefit)
Once completed, please email to cwukentinvicta@aol.com or